Regenerative Alliance: An open letter and call to create a thriving and regenerative global society.
Hi Regenerators!
Do you want to literally make money and create a globally regenerative society for yourself and your children?
My name is Rieki — currently playing the role as an ambassador for SEEDS. I’m sending you this because:
1. Respect!
I absolutely love what you’re doing so I’m reaching out to thank you! For myself, and for my future children, for your dedication to creating the more beautiful world our hearts are longing for.
2. Interdependence
In the near future, I see us living and thriving in globally regenerative cultures and societies. I believe you’re playing an important role in this new story already, so I see potential to align to collaborate further. We are all stronger together.
3. What I do
I’ve been inspired to play the role of facilitating the emergence of a regenerative financial system (which is called SEEDS.)
4. A new financial system
This system is like the mycelial network of a forest. It connects all the regenerative projects and people together in a way that more effectively generates and distributes value towards these projects.
If we agree that the measure of success for a well-designed financial system is that it focuses humanity’s will and attention towards creating things that will encourage humanity to thrive, then we also agree that our present systems are no longer working.
For example, our present financial system has created over 12 trillion USD in wealth, 5.2 trillion of which went to subsidise fossil fuels to make them cheaper than renewable energy! Our current financial system is accelerating global degeneration. We can’t continue to support this system if we’re to thrive.
I go more into that here if you’re interested: “Cryptocurrency: A Solution to our Environmental Crisis”
5. Like Libra…
You may have heard of Libra — the consortium of mega-organisations who have aligned to create a new digital currency.
We at SEEDS are doing something similar, but aimed towards the benefit of people and planet. We are doing this for all the projects, organisations and people who are doing good for the world!
More on that here: “Libra — a currency by (and for) corporations. Seeds — a currency by the people for our planet.”
6. Modern day renaissance
We’re living through the modern day renaissance and we’re right at the cusp of welcoming in a new form of human civilisation.
7. Incredible value
Moving into a new financial system can also be extremely rewarding! By harnessing the power that banks have had a monopoly on, we gain incredible value.
2-Pager and Benefits for Organisations
8. We’re already there
There are regenerative organisations and projects for every aspect an alternative society would need in order to thrive!
We can all play our parts individually and make a difference, but imagine the possibilities if we weaved all of the webs together.
9. Come together
The last step we need to take is to come together, align, cooperate and gain value for our causes and co-direct this value towards healing people and our planet. We will lift each other up, share information with one another, set a goal to help bring the planet back to health, and build entirely new civilisations for humanity.
10. A Regenerative Society
SEEDS plays its role as a fully decentralised organisational governance and financial layer that rewards and facilitates this convergence.
Let’s finally start collaborating at a global scale and create a robust alternative society for us to step into.
My intention here is to get this word out, play my role as a facilitator, and help bring all these amazing projects, like yours, together!
Are you ready?
I’m ready, I believe you’re ready and our children will be (were) born ready! Let’s do this!
Rieki Cordon
Ambassador @SEEDS — A Conscious Currency for a Regenerative Society